Women's Interests

Dr. Cynthia Green has a unique brain health strategy for women. She offers quick strategies for new moms and women in general to boost brain power. Book Dr. Green for your next Women's Health event. 

Of Special Interest to Women

Why Losing Your Car Keys Doesn’t Mean You are Losing Your Mind: 9 Easy Steps Women Can Take to Rev up Recall and Build Better Brain Power 

Brain health is a hot health topic.  But what exactly does it mean to be brain healthy?  How can we make sure we stay sharp, nimble and able to keep on top of all that we juggle at work and at home? Can we really do anything to avoid serious memory loss and stay brain healthy as we age?  

  • This presentation covers all things brain health, including:
  • The science behind women’s brain health – what it shows and what it doesn’t
  • What every woman should know about planning for better brain fitness
  • The top 9 changes women can make to sharpen memory performance and boost brain health

Keynote or Half-Day Format

Help, I Have Baby Brain! Quick Memory Saving Strategies for Parents on the Go

Does parenthood wreak havoc on our know-how? Moms often question whether their babies have eaten their brain cells. While we know this is not the case, why is it that parenting seems to turn our brains to mush? Is it the hormones, the demands of parenting, or something else? Can anything be done to help?

This lecture teaches parents the ABCs of brain health and parenting, including:

  • The real reasons why parents forget
  • The three choices parents make every day that can make it harder to remember, and what to do about them
  • Simple, quick steps even the busiest parent can take home and use to beat the baby brain drain

Keynote or Half-Day Format


Healthy Hearts, Healthy Minds: What Every Woman Should Know

We may lead life with our hearts in mind, but what about our brains? While many of us worry about memory loss as we age, we often don’t make the connection between cardiovascular health, our everyday intellectual vitality and long-term dementia risk. Yet vascular causes of cognitive impairment account for approximately 30% of dementia in the U.S., second only to Alzheimer’s disease. What can medicine teach us about the heart-brain connection and how we can best use that information to inform the actions we take towards a lifestyle that is healthy for both our hearts and our minds.

This presentation will cover:

  • Why heart health matters to our memory function and long-term independence and vitality
  • What the current science shows us about the heart-brain relationship
  • Three critical steps every woman should take for better heart-mind health, for herself as well as for her family

Keynote or Half-Day Format
